Shiloh’s Staff

Dr. Douglas Lyon, DMin

Dr. Douglas Lyon, DMin

Senior Preaching Pastor

Phone 570-784-3456 Ext. 3

Dr. Lyon has served as Senior Pastor of Shiloh since 1997. Prior to coming to Shiloh, he taught at a Bible college in our nation’s capital for 12 years. The focus of Pastor Lyon’s ministry is the Scriptures. His passion is to clearly communicate the truths of the Word of God and to apply its eternal principles to the needs of twenty-first century believers. Doug became a widower in 2015, but has since remarried. Doug’s wife, Gina, has two children: Max and Paige, and Doug has two children: Joel and Anna.

Bob Lehman

Bob Lehman

Pastor of Congregational Care

Bob started in the role of Executive Pastor at Shiloh Bible Church on December 1, 2019. Bob grew up in the Bloomsburg area, and some of his earliest memories involve Shiloh Bible Church. Bob was saved and mentored by Larry Hummel who was the pastor at Shiloh at that time. Bob graduated from Bloomsburg University with a degree in Psychology and will complete a Master of Ministry degree form Freedom University and Seminary later this year. In 1991 Bob and his wife Deb became missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators and served as missionaries for the next 28 years in Suriname, South America and in Manila, Philippines. Bob has always tried to be open to the Lord’s call on his life and he truly believes that he has been called by the Lord to this place for this season of his life. His role as executive Pastor is primarily two-fold. He has been tasked with overseeing the administrative aspects of running a church and church staff. He also believes that God has called him to help Shiloh get focused on what the Lord desires for her to be as she moves forward into the future.

Mckayla Zimmerman

Mckayla Zimmerman

Office Manager

Ginger Force

Ginger Force


Doug Reiter

Doug Reiter


Dave Delcamp

Dave Delcamp
