Doug Lyon
Senior Pastor

Disappointment—His Appointment

It took over a year of planning, promotion, and preparation, but just one moment to come to a screeching halt.  I refer to the Shiloh Holy Land Tour.  The coronavirus struck, and our trip was cancelled.  A group from our church was scheduled to go to Israel from March 23 to April 3.  We were to visit places of biblical significance—where Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal, where David conquered Goliath, where Peter confessed Christ—to walk where Jesus walked.  It was disappointing that our trip to Israel did not come to fruition.

Perhaps you have experienced a disappointment due to COVID-19—a cancelled vacation get-away, family gathering, school activity, or church function.  However, I have learned in life that disappointment is God’s appointment.

“Disappointment—His Appointment”

Change one letter, then I see

That the thwarting of my purpose

Is God’s better choice for me.

His appointment must be blessing,

Tho’ it may come in disguise,

For the end from the beginning

Open to His wisdom lies.

Despite the cancellation of our Israel trip, I can honestly say it is well with my soul.  God is Sovereign; He is in control.  It was not His will for us to visit Israel—at least not in spring, 2020!  I trust that you can say the same concerning your disappointment.

(To hear an uplifting rendition of It Is Well with My Soul, go to: