Denise Whitfield
Director of Christian Education


Across the street from our home some folks are into a full reconstruction project.  They plan to flip the house.  They have been ripping and tearing away old flooring, ceiling, and walls—down to the studs.    Several trees have been removed from the lawn.  The unwanted pieces and parts cast into the back of trailers and trucks and hauled off. The air is filled with the sound of lumber banging together, hammers pounding, saws buzzing, and drills screaming.  If that property could talk, it would often be moaning and groaning under the carpenters’ heavy hands.  At certain times, it would certainly cry out loud for the work it must endure to become the home a buyer would desire. 

While we are not a home being renovated for its family, the church is a family; each member being reconditioned for a new home.   The end goal—a perfect result.  Proven faith.  Maturity and completion.  Nothing lacking. (James 1:2-5.)

James has told us how each one of us should be responding to the trying experiences that are a part of being God’s restoration project—we are to be pleased with each new encounter. “Consider it all joy!”  Now that sounds downright crazy, if not impossible.  The testings of life are unexpected and unwanted in number, timing and impact.  But persevering with joy through our trials, can have the result of building our endurance.  

James anticipates our reaction to this exhortation.  He answers the question, “So how are we supposed to develop a joyful attitude toward difficulty?” James says, “Ask of God.”  He tells us it is going to require the wisdom of the Carpenter to rebuild our attitude toward trials. This is no time for us to rely on our own human tools because we can’t possibly know in such circumstances what to do or how to do it.  So, ask of God.  He has again made a way for us to do the impossible. 

Need wisdom as you try to joyfully make difficult finance decisions? Ask of God.  Is wisdom required to joyfully embrace employment changes?  Ask of God.  Is joyful perseverance through homeschooling your wisdom challenge?  Ask of God.  Would wisdom help you joyfully navigate close quarters and family dynamics at home?  Ask of God.  Might your joy increase if you felt you had the wisdom needed to confidently make choices about how to separate from friends and family? Ask of God. 

 James says we can keep asking, for our God will not hold back wisdom from anyone.  In fact, He doles out the wisdom generously.  And God’s wisdom can rework our moments of moaning and groaning into a joyful accounting of His working within us.   And as we await moving into our new home, the good result of God’s attitude rebuilding project within us will be evident.  There will be a strong family resemblance to the Carpenter. 

“For the Lord grants wisdom!
    From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

Proverbs 2:6