Bob Lehman
Executive Pastor

It Is Not Easy Is It?

Philippians 2:3-4 instructs us to “Do nothing]from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” 

COVID19 has brought things into our lives that we could have never expected.  As if the problems people were facing before COVID19 were not enough, it has served to complicate them even further.  If your marriage was in trouble before COVID 19 (BC19) it probably still is.  If you got pregnant out of wedlock BC19 you probably still are.  If you were contemplating an abortion BC19 you probably are contemplating it in isolation.  If you were struggling with drugs and alcohol BC19 the struggle is probably worse.  If you struggled with depression BC19 I could almost guarantee it is worse now.  If you felt isolated and alone BC19 …  I could go on, but I am starting to depress myself. 

On the flip side what an opportunity to put the needs of others before our own.  If you watched the children’s church part of the Sunday sermon online, you heard Denise give the kids a great way to encourage other classmates who may be struggling.  She suggested that they draw a picture and maybe add a word of encouragement and then cut the picture up, put it in an envelope and send it to someone who might need to be encouraged.  That person can then put it back together like a puzzle and Voila!  Words of encouragement.  Why only for kids, this sounds like it could work for adults too.  How about just a note of encouragement with a Bible verse?  Maybe a phone call?   How about a fruit basket left at a doorstep?  Maybe your elderly neighbor’s lawn needs to be mowed?  How about seeing if meals on wheels or Agape could use some assistance? 

Get creative about how you can be reaching out to others.  The opportunities are there.  The hard part is putting the commands given to us in Philippians 2:3-4 into practice.  It just does not come naturally, but then in a fallen world so much of what God asks us to do does not come naturally.