E2 Week of 4/1/2024
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message, “News You Can Use” with Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on
April 7th , “What God is Looking For” with Pastor Doug Lyon.
E2 Week of 3/25/2024
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message, “Living Water” with Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on
March 31st , “News You Can Use” with Pastor Doug Lyon.
E2 Week of 3/18/2024
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message, “He Must Increase” with Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on
March 24th, “Living Water” with Pastor Doug Lyon.
E2 Week of 3/11/2024
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message , “The Road to Perdition” with Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on March 17th, “He Must Increase” with Pastor Doug Lyon.