E2 Week of 5/20/2024
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message, “Little is Much” with Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on May 26th, “Living for Christ” with Pastor Bob Lehman.
E2 Week of 5/13/2024
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message, “Evidence That Demands A Verdict” with Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on May 19th, “Little is Much” with Pastor Doug Lyon.
E2 Week of 5/6/2024
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message, “Radical Claims” with Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on May 12th, “Evidence That Demands A Verdict” with Pastor Doug Lyon.
E2 Week of 4/29/2024
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message, “A Deadly Enemy in the Church” with Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on May 5th , “Radical Claims” with Pastor Doug Lyon.