E2 Week of 6-6-2022
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on today’s message from Acts 9:1-31 and our first shift in our series CHANGE. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us to continue in this series as we look at the second shift in Acts 9:32-43.
E2 for Week of 5-29-2022
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on today’s message from Acts 8:26-40. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us to continue in the book of Acts next Sunday and begin a new Sub-Series on CHANGE.
E2 Week of 5-23-2022
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on today’s message from Acts 8:1-25. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us to continue in the book of Acts next Sunday as we look at Philip’s ministry and his Steadfastness in Proclamation in Acts 8.
E2 Week of 5-15-2022
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on today’s message in Acts 5. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us to continue in the book of Acts next Sunday as we look at Steadfastness in Power in Acts 8.