E2 for Week of 2-20-2023
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message The Peril of Procrastination from Senior Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on 2. 26 2 3 That’s Not Fair! from Senior Pastor Doug Lyon.
E2 Week of 2-13-2023
Monday s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message Troubling Times” from Senior Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on 2. 1 9 2 3 The Peril of Procrastination from Senior Pastor Doug Lyon.
E2 Week of 1-16-2023
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message Final Instructions from Senior Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on 1.22.2 3 Hearing God’s Voice from Senior Pastor Doug Lyon.
E2 Week of 11-28-2022
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message from Senior Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message from Quarterly Missions Speaker, Dr. Dale Marshfield, Grace Global Ministries.