E2 Week of 6-12-2023
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message Watch Your Step with Pastor Doug Lyon Wednesday s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on 6.18.23 Bewitched with Pastor Doug Lyon
E2 Week of 6-6-2023
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message Survive and Thrive with Pastor Doug Lyon Wednesday s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on 6.11.23 Watch Your Step with Pastor Doug Lyon
E2 for Week of 5-29-2023
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message “The Gospel in a Nutshell with Pastor Bob Lehman Wednesday s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on 6.4.23 Survive and Thrive “with Pastor Doug Lyon
E2 Week of 5-22-2023
Monday’s and Tuesday’s readings will be a follow up on Sunday’s message “The Good Samaritan” with Pastor Doug Lyon. Wednesday’s through Friday’s devotions will help prepare us for the message on 5. 28 2 3 Quarterly Missions Speaker, with Bob Lehman.