“Secret between you and me” Mosaic artwork from Atsuko Laskaris.
We are all image bearers of God revealing, along with all creation, the creative genius of God. But some of you have received a special imprinting of God’s creative abilities. And though as a believer I ought not have such thoughts . . .I am envious. I have no artistic bent whatsoever. I marvel at the ability to transfer what begins as a thought in the mind into an image on canvas, a sculpture in stone, a carving in wood, or a form from clay. I don’t know how you do it. But I admire the results.
I am especially drawn to mosaics. The assembling together of inconsequential pieces, which by themselves hold questionable or little value or meaning. In fact, the undiscerning eye might determine such fragments of tile or glass to be worthless and unwanted. But when each piece is carefully and purposefully placed by the artist, it suddenly becomes integral to the beauty of the whole. Remove a piece, and the picture is incomplete.
I think our life stories are mosaics under the care of the Master Artist. He is about a careful, compassionate, completing work in the lives of all his children. In His mind’s eye, He sees the final creation. He knows the workmanship needed. He is a creative genius choosing the medium for use in each masterpiece. And while some of the chosen pieces included in our mosaics, what James calls “various trials”, may be unwanted and of unrecognized value, they are necessary parts of the sanctifying work He is doing in our lives. They must be included because each piece is indispensable and contributory to the beauty of the completed and perfected work of a fully redeemed life. A life that reveals the glory of its Creator/Redeemer.
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6