Brandon Glenn
Director of Youth Ministries
The Gospel Cannot Be Quarantined: The Results
Last Wednesday, I shared a “For Today” that talked about how the Gospel cannot be quarantined. We talked about how Paul was imprisoned, but he was still concerned about the spreading of the gospel. In a different letter, also while being imprisoned, Paul writes, “And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained” (2 Timothy 2:9). We are, by no means, imprisoned right now. The comparison here is that Paul was unable to be out and about in society sharing the gospel using the methods by which he was most comfortable. In that same way, we cannot go about our normal routines of sharing the gospel with our community.
Last week, I encouraged you to let me know how you are sharing the Good News with others, and I would like to share a couple of ideas with you. Remember, the methods may change, but the MESSAGE does not!
One Shiloh-ite shared that she is sewing masks (pictured below). Attached to each mask is a gospel-packed Bible verse, John 3:16. These masks are available on her porch with a sign letting people know they may take one. She is also handing them out to people in public that may need them.
Another Shiloh-ite suggested that we share Shiloh’s church services and other social media posts with others so that our message can be seen and heard by a greater reach.
Another person told me they are using platforms like social media and video games. I remember seeing and hearing our Shiloh teens share the gospel with a fellow gamer while playing “Clash of Clans” online a few years ago. Keep up the good work!
Another idea is that we call our unsaved acquaintances. In “normal” life, we run into people whom we casually know. This is where relationships can be built, and we can ultimately share the gospel. I know it’s easy to stick to our close friend-circle during this time, but I encourage you to call an unsaved acquaintance today to check in and say hello.
I believe God has given us each a unique Spiritual Gift, personality, and talents. We are all wired differently. How has God wired you to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others during this Pandemic?