Brandon Glenn
Director of Youth Ministries

Have Faith

After Jesus’s death, the disciples went into a house and locked the doors. Their decision to shelter themselves in this way is similar to what some of us may be feeling today. I wonder what the disciples were thinking and feeling during those three days between Jesus’s death and resurrection—doubt, worry, fear, anxiety—maybe. After telling us that Jesus’s disciples were together with the doors locked, John explains that “Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’” (John 20:19, NIV).

Praise God that the self-isolated disciples’ story was not yet over! Likewise, your story is not yet over. Jesus’s resurrection gives each of our stories a new meaning. It takes faith to trust that God’s version of our story is far better than anything we could write on our own. My challenge to you “for today” is that we have faith that God can write the next chapter of our lives better than we could ever imagine. May we all trust God with the next chapter of our lives. Amen.