“For Today” March 26, 2020

Denise Whitfield

Director of Christian Education

“Those who know your name, trust in you.”
Psalm 9:10

What is in a name?  Reputation? Relationship? Power? Access? Fame? Fortune?  All of the above.  Expectant parents spend a lot of time considering, discussing, disagreeing and finally deciding upon a name for a new baby.  In recent years, there is a trend toward emphasizing the uniqueness of the individual by ensuring the uniqueness of a name through creating unusual spellings, or reaching back in time to choose an old, no longer commonly used name.  After not knowing of anyone being named “Henry” for 4 decades, I know of 2 in the last year.  We believe names matter—and this is nothing new.  For years we based our fair ministry on this reality. 

There are number of names of people in the Bible that proved to be real identifiers of the person’s appearance, character, emotions, or experiences.  Esau was hairy from birth.  Jacob, the supplanter, grasp the heel of his older brother.  After the loss of her husband and sons, Naomi renamed herself “Mara” meaning “bitter”.  Thomas was a twin.     

There is a name we know that is totally complete in its uniqueness.  It is the name that is above any other name.  There is a name that means “Yahweh is salvation”.  This name is the Word of God (Revelation 19:13).  This name drives out demons (Luke 10:17). This name confers family status (John 1:12).  By this name, healing comes (Acts 3:16).  In this name, whole nations will put their hope (Matthew 12:21).  This name is the source of prayer power and protection (John 15:16, 17:12). 

What’s in a name?  Everything.  In these days of uncertainty and upheaval, when we are experiencing an onslaught of information and expert opinion—we need but one Word—one Name.  JESUS. 

There is a name that we know—we put our trust in Him.